joi, 27 ianuarie 2011
Halloween & Valentine's Day
duminică, 23 ianuarie 2011
Imi sare tzandara cu Tzandarica!!
Eu nu spun ca, pe principiul "in tzara orbilor chioru-i imparat", Tzanadrica nu ar ocupa o pozitzie de frunte in simulacrul de rock din atat de nesemnificativa (pe plan mondial...) Romanie. Poate aprecierea mea condescendenta era mai nuantzata daca Tzandarica nu l-ar copia la modul flagrant pe Goran Bregovic, prin muzica pe care o produce cu acea trupa numita "Trei prajini" sau cam asha ceva...
Sau daca trupa "Roshu & Negru care l-a consacrat, nu ar fi trait din piesele celor de la "Blood Sweat & Tears"
Da' pentru cei ce vor sa afle cam ce inseamna un baterist shi/sau un solo de baterie, le recomand:
Cream, Wheels Of Fire (1968), piesa TOAD, solo de baterie Ginger Baker;
Blue Oyster Cult, Live (1976), piesa BUCK'S BOOGIE, solo de baterie Albert Bouchard.
Sau, mai la indemana tuturor, pushtiul de vreo 20 de ani din Noua Zeelanda (ceva corcitura cu maori...), Dylan Elise.
Iata un solo de baterie de 10 minute sustzinut pe cand avea 16 ani.
Shi ar mai fi: fratzii Carmine & Vinny Apice, Cozy Powell, Bill Ward, Keith Moon, Jan Paice, Buddy Rich, Thomas Lang, John Bonham shi altzi asemena baietzi care shtiu carte!! Mai datzi o "pleoapa" pe shi vetzi mai gasi...
Raman un rocker inrait!!
Nu i-am dat LIKE lui Tzandarica!!!
joi, 6 ianuarie 2011
Protest Facebook
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Il consider un abuz ordinar!!
Rog pe cei ce au primit mesajul meu sa spuna daca au fost sau nu deranjatzi de acesta.
Harta Fotografilor
Apoi am vazut "mecanismul" de alcatuire si de dezvoltare al hartii si mi-am zis ca, da, desigur, asa ceva nu se "sporeste" de la sine.
M-am grabit sa imi inscriu si eu acolo acest amarat de blog invitand sincer pe cati mai multi confrati intru fotografie, sa-mi urmeze exemplul.
Cred sincer ca merita!
miercuri, 5 ianuarie 2011
Sic Transit...
Sic Transit ...
At the end of long "explorations" in a world of past glories,
chained energies, premature and unworthy "silencing", the locomotives
project slowly goes out of the imaginary mind and feelings "depot",
which was conceived in a period of several years, with over 80 images.
I searched for these frozen monsters in Oradea, Sibiu, Dej, Petrosani,
Vatra Dornei and Tashkent, going closer to them, quietly, not wanting to
disturb their sleep, but only to propose a short bringing back to the present,
to offer those who will see the majestic silhouettes in my photographs, a sad
and nostalgic reminder and a meditation on the ephemeral life, power, glory ...
I was greeted everywhere friendly, docile, with an incredible gentleness. They
had a unique beauty! It was just me and them communicating silently. I
understood their sadness caused by the ingratitude of those who had taken them
there and they felt my compassion, my empathy. I watched them for a long time
before taking a photograph, often being afraid to face them. I was so small,
and they were so grand, even if not threatening…
I could not do anything for them other than to capture their essence in a
timid attempt / proposal of remembrance, "immortalize" them in a
position where the rust had not yet become their ubiquitous and unforgiving
The moments when I stood face to face with them and I photographed them
were some of the most pleasant in my long photographic activity. There are very
few places where I had found something this profound and oppressive as what
these silent friends offered me. And I regret, especially now, years later,
that I had not given it more time.
I refer especially to the Depot in Oradea that I used to cross before '89
and only in the speed of train I saw many steam engines aligned in long rows.
I managed to go inside with my camera only in 1990 or 1991 and I was amazed by
the multitude of locomotives, the numerous designs that were found there, some
rare, perhaps even unique ... And all well-kept, a sign of respect that came
from a time when that could still be found ...
I was perhaps too superficial then, thinking that they would remain there
and I could come back another time after the idea that I had approached would
be settled, kneaded, shaped in my mind.
I had no idea then what would follow. With a premeditated, planned,
systematic, criminal, irreversible (!) anger to destroy all that stands in this
country, they were cut and sold as scrap metal.
The desire to continue the effort of their remembrance led me to other
places where some were still kept, where they were granted (for now…) the much
deserved posthumous respect.
I stroke my eyes on them before leaving wherever we met, with a personal
desire to find them in the same place, in several years, and to photograph them
again with different thoughts, feelings and ideas that would be accumulated in
I just hope the huge disappointment from Oradea will not happen in Dej,
Petrosani or Sibiu, where such precious relics can still be found.
Yet I have no reason to be optimistic!